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Become a Certified Connection Codes Coach:
Transform Lives and Build Your Practice

Unlock the Power of Emotional Regulation and Connection

Join our 12-Week Intensive Coaching Program

Are you an aspiring coach, active coach, therapist, or church leader passionate about guiding others to success in life and relationships?

Yea, we thought so 😉

You've experienced the life-changing magic of Connection Codes. Now, imagine empowering others with the same tools that transformed your life. Our 12-Week Certified Connection Codes Coach Program is not just a course; it's your ticket to becoming a beacon of change in relationships and emotional well-being.

Why Connection Codes?

  • Expert-Led Training: Learn directly from Dr. Glenn Hill, a renowned Marriage and Family Therapist and Clinical Sexologist, alongside his wife, Phyllis Hill. Their proven Core Emotion Wheel and Foundations framework have transformed thousands of lives worldwide.

  • Comprehensive Curriculum: Engage in twice-weekly live Zoom sessions, group enactments, and interactive coaching practice. Supplement your learning with three essential reads and an entrance exam to solidify your understanding.

  • Exclusive Resources: Gain access to our extensive library of masterclasses, including Foundations, Late Night, and Parenting, plus monthly follow-up calls with Dr. Glenn.

  • A step-by-step coaching guide: Each coach will receive licensing of our Foundations Masterclass to share with clients as they walk them through their journey to connection. There will be no guessing on what to talk about-- you will not only have the guide, but you will have all the materials you need to lead your clients right at your fingertips.

The biggest reason "Why Connection Codes?"
Because you know it works.

There are hundreds of methods and tools and programs... but you experienced the power of these tools and now, you can share them with others.

What to expect?

  • Duration:

    • 8 weeks with live Zoom sessions meeting once per week

    • Online Training videos to be watched once per week 

    • Meet with other coaches in training outside of class once per week at your preferred time

  • Format:

    • Interactive online learning

    • Group coaching enactments led by Dr Glenn

    • Group coaching break-out sessions

    • 3 additional books for required reading

  • Certification:

    • Receive a physical certification and digital certificate for your website

    • Featured on the Connection Codes website as a Certified Coach with contact for potential clients

    • Receive licensing of the Foundations Course while your certification is active. Meaning- as long as your certification is active, your clients will have free access to the Foundations Course.

    • Certification renews yearly

What's included?

Course Access

Active coaches receive access to Foundations, Late Night, & Parenting plus any future course we create.


Your clients will be able to access Foundations as you guide them through connection.


Access to the exclusive Coaches community to ask questions, and get support on your journey.

Website listing

Have clients find YOU through the CC website, you will be featured with your contact information & website

Coaching Calls

Monthly Coaching Call with the Connection Codes Team to ask questions, get updated information, and tips.

Business Coaching

Call with CC CEO, Tera Wages, to learn strategy to get and keep clients to ensure your coaching practice is successful.


We are not only going to teach you how to be a coach, but we are going to equip you with everything you need from the intake form, to the worksheets, to the curriculum. 

With monthly check-ins and an online community,

you will never be alone on your journey. 

Imagine going to bed each night knowing you impacted someone's life.
The ripple effect of that impact can transform generations. 

Class overview:

Section One

The first section is all about setting yourself up for success in your practice. Having a strong foundation will ensure you and your clients are getting the support they need. We will teach the nuances of being a coach from how to create safety with clients to defining your own moral codes within your practice. We will teach how to stay mentally healthy as a coach. And when to decide a client isn't the right fit.

Section Two

Once your "coaching hat" is on we will dive into what sessions look like. We start with the intake session and address topics like -how to help clients discover their emotions, what to do when a partner isn't onboard, how to navigate when they get stuck. We will do multiple demonstrations on what sessions look like and how to work through different situations so you feel confident and prepared.

Section Three

During sessions you will experience different types of situations that can feel pretty intense- we will prep you for how to approach abuse, trauma, and neurodivergent clients. We will explore more of the top topics people bring to sessions such as affairs, communication, substance abuse, etc. We will show you how to use Foundations to guide sessions. And we will teach the difference in coaching couples and individuals.

Want to know more about how to get started and all this incredible program will include? 

Book a Call with CEO Tera Wages 

Coaching start
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Got Questions?

That's fine, you are safe here ❤️

What makes this coaching program different from other programs? As you have experienced in your own journey- the Connection Codes method is well, different. It is tangible and it works. We are going to teach you how to guide couples and individuals on how to experience the same connection. While also teaching you how to make money doing it. 🙌🏻

How much do I need to know about the Connection Codes to enroll? We expect our students to know the Foundations Masterclass and be utilizing the tools within their own lives. We will have an enterance exam to ensure everyone is on the same level. Our time together is so limited that we want to spend each moment teaching you HOW to coach... not teaching you the tools themselves.

What if I am a church leader and not planning to create a new business? GREAT! Wow. As you know our church bodies need these tools. You will be able to host classes and give your small groups access to our Foundations Course through having the license. You will also be equipped when a couple or person within your church need extra support to guide them to connection. Also- as we have seen worldwide, churches struggle with conflict. Having these tools as a framework for your staff and leadership, you helping your congregation and team be prepared when conflict arises.

What does licensing mean? I am SO glad you asked because this is a HUGE deal. We have never offered anything like this before. These means that as long as your certification is active, you will be able to enroll your clients into the Foundations Masterclass for free. This gives you all the material you need to guide a couple to connection without them or yourselves needing to pay anything extra. It is a huge attraction for potential clients and gives you a solid framework for weekly meetings.

Do I need to renew my certification? Why? Yes, we will do yearly certification renewal for $2000. This covers all of your continuing education workshops that we will host, it also covers the licensing fee, and keeps your information up to date on our website for potential clients to find you.

Is there any reason my membership could be revoked? Yes, while we expect it to be very rare. We do have the right to revoke certifications if the coach is not abiding by our terms and conditions which are attached at the check out page. It is important that anyone who promotes the Connection Codes brand is someone who is willing to create safe spaces for people.

How much time will I need outside of class time? Great question- we estimate an additional 3-4 hours per week. You will have weekly homework, one group meet up outside of scheduled class time, and 3 additional reading books.

How will I find clients if I don't already have a set practice? We will help assist you with this as much as possible. First, we will have you listed on our website and will be promoting that list through our podcast. Second, you will have access to our community within our app (YES! We have an app coming soon!). Through building relationships within the community you will be able to find potential clients. You will be invited to a business workshop hosted by our CEO Tera Wages. Tera has previously built a $1M business and has a background in Marketing. She has tips and tricks to attract your ideal client and she is excited to share them with you. However, this course is not focused on running and building a business. It is important that you invest time into learning business strategy for coaches. And we will be here to support you along the way.

You need this.You deserve this.Let's do this.

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